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11-15-11 Public Meeting
Town of Newtown, CT                              3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470

November 15, 2011

These minutes are subject to the approval of the Economic Development Commission

PRESENT:  Commissioners Margaret Oliger, Joe Humeston, Walter Motyka, Donald Sharpe, Jean Leonard, Joe Tarshis and Elana Bertram

Absent: Tom Murtha

ALSO PRESENT:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development and Robert Rau


Ms. Oliger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Mr. Sharpe made a motion to accept the minutes of October 18, 2011 as submitted.  Mr. Humeston seconded the motion which carried unanimously


John Reed, Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority was invited to speak with the Commission on the current status of the Fairfield Hills campus.  Dr. Reed reviewed the history of the Authority.  He spoke of the current budget, security on the campus, permitted uses, responsibilities and the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review committees’ recent report.  He also reported on the obstacles facing the Town including but not limited to the cost to remediate the conservation issues with the remaining buildings.  The Commissions members’ thanked Dr. Reed for his update.


Director of Economic & Community Development - Report and Budget Update   

Ms. Stocker’s November Report was distributed and discussed with the Commissioners.

Mr. Sharpe made a motion that the EDC is to hold a public hearing on November 21, 2011 to discuss the possibility of EPA clean-up and assessment grants.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Motyka.  The motion carried unanimously

Ms. Stocker asked if anyone would like to attend Celebrate Connecticut at the Bushnell December 7, 2011.

Round Table Discussion – Ongoing Activities

Mr. Tarshis asked the Commission for help distributing fliers for the Celebrate Connecticut gathering planned for June 16, 2012.  He is looking for volunteers for various committees.

Mr. Motyka updated the status of the new EDC’s new business regulatory “Road Map”.

Ms. Oliger asked for volunteers to be responsible for each of the six goals in her Strategic Plan.


Ms. Oliger reported that the terms of Ms. Oliger, Mr. Sharpe and Mr. Motyka will expire the end of 2011.   She also reported that officers for the next year should be voted on at the next meeting and asked that if anyone was interested in serving as an officer, to please notify her.  Mr. Humeston volunteered to  chair the nominating committee.  There will be voting on officers at the next meeting.

It was reported by members that Destination Newtown was a success.

Mr. Humeston reported that, in response with the Commission member’ request that he met with John Trentacosta, CEO of the Newtown Saving Bank and the proposed branch bank in Sandy Hook has been cancelled as the bank has been unable to secure development commitment under the terms of the letter of agreement.

December 8 Chamber/EDC Event (Breakfast)

Ms. Stocker and Ms. Oliger advised that the EDC Strategy will be presented at the Legislative Council meeting at 7:25 p.m. Wednesday, November 16, 2011.


Mr. Humeston made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Motyka.  The motion was carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted by Margaret Wilkin, Clerk.